the Smooth Jazz Cafe’
… getting Up Front & Personal …
Up Front & Personal
Angela Maria personally introduces you to a Smooth Jazz Artist with an Up Front & Personal Conversation.

…getting Up Front & Personal is a segment of the SJCafe’ that features Smooth Jazz Artists that have persevered in the Music Game.
While the Music Industry has been known for the Pitfalls, Deceit, and Rejection, Up Front & Personal allows you into the lives of your favorite artists, through Intimate Conversations Angela has with them.
Up Front & Personal removes the shield and reveals the innermost thoughts of artists. This segment also discusses “Key” individuals within the artists’ lives that were pivotal to their success as well as detours that were taken to take them off, they’re path.
Although the ingredients of their success are discussed, layers are peeled back regarding where & who do they rely on when their faith gets weak.
All inside the Smooth Jazz Café’ with Angela Maria.